Friday, February 13, 2009

What Color Curtains With Green Carpet

Facebook! Or not? Companies

The purpose of Facebook is to manage the network of acquaintances in real life: friends, colleagues, relatives.
On the path that led to the birth of the email, chat, forum, Facebook presents his idea of \u200b\u200bevolution: upload a photo and tag does not mean to compete with Flickr, but communicate with friends and friends' friends who was with us the day The dinner hour X Y Z Herein lies the power of communication through news feeds, the news spreads up to people unknown to us related to the people tagged in the photo.
We can say, then, that Facebook is communication! Or not?
pity though, that communication is something more than mere trasmisisone of information (informational paradigm). The communication, in fact, reveals some human dimensions (ethical and interior) and implies that people who interact undergo a mutual enrichment of the communication itself.
Back to Facebook: each user, after creating his profile and its network of contacts (which will begin to interact), will tend to adagiarvisi as reassuring in a protective shell. The instrument is no longer a means of exchanging information, opinions, links, videos, news, etc.. but will become an end, an all-encompassing goal.
It follows that being on Facebook, surrounded by supposed friends in constant contact, it is thin like a caress, which relieves us from our loneliness and our fears.
I have ten new notifications and three new friend requests. Well! This means they are still alive! The 'friendship' is no longer a way to exchange information and culture with others. It 's a way of being in the crowd who know (or think we know), feel the buzz and chatter and feel protected by the absence of silence.
is, Facebook is not communication! And 'the absence of silence. It is not company. It 's just the absence of loneliness.


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