Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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Vitual betrayals .. real risk of divorce ... Facebook for iPhone

Tradimenti (quasi) sempre virtuali che innescano divorzi reali.
A Termoli una coppia ha chiesto la separazione causa tresca su Facebook.
Nel Regno Unito, riferiscono i tabloid , sempre piu matrimoni naufragano in seguito a sgradite scoperte su facebook, sotto accusa per i fallimenti cognugali (oltre che per i problemi sulla mancata privacy)

Abbandonati, lasciati , trascurati. Colpa di facebook.
Alzi la mano chi non ha incontrato almeno un ex fidanzato su Facebook.
Bene, ora alzi la mano chi non ha mai litigato con l'attuale partner a causa dell'incontro virtuale con un ex.
(Actually, in this case, I raise my hand. Yes, my boyfriend trusts me, and I've never had problems with jealousy for being registered on Facebook. Luckily he's not writing, not otherwise I know if I could say the same thing about him)
If Italians do not take members priovvedimenti obsession with the sell off in front of millions of people ideas, habits, tastes and sexual risk a defeat marital mass.

Betrayal virtual real divorce.
The example of Second Life
first divorce in the world (at least past the headlines ...) after a virtual treason.
A British woman became aware that her husband was having an affair on "Second Life" (the world's most popular virtual reality) and decided to ask the separation (and then getting a divorce!)

Monday, February 16, 2009

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From the day of its official launch (June 29, 2007), the iPhone is one of the most talked-about technology universe. Praised or criticized, it is undeniable that it has been the talk of the experts and not in the course of more than a conversation. One of
main aspects of the iPhone is undoubtedly the ability to download and install it on an endless range of applications. From the most useful to the most stupid, there's something for everyone.
course could not miss Facebook!

The program, developed exclusively for mobile devices from Apple, is at the top of the charts of the most downloaded applications.

The first version included five different options:
  • Home: to see their personal page, from which to anche uploadare delle immagini
  • Profile: per accedere al proprio profilo e modificarlo
  • Friends: per visualizzare le pagine dei propri amici e contattarli via chat o tramite messaggi
  • Chat: per contattare, tramite chat, gli amici in linea
  • Inbox: per visualizzare i propri messaggi in entrata, con possibilità anche di creare ed inviare la posta

Il 30 settembre 2008 è stata rilanciata l'applicazione di Facebook per iPhone (e per iPod touch) aggiorna alla versione 2.0.
Con questa nuova versione, some of the features are implemented in the "greater". Among these, we mention a few: complete news, notifications and requests for events, people can search and request the friendship, the ability to tag photos, search through the inbox, with attachments to messages.
The application is free to download or upgrade, please visit this page stationed on 'Apple store.

For the more nostalgic, however, you can always go to the original site through Safari.

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The opinion of an experienced

report what Cristianofino.net found on the site.
To facilitate reading, I made a sort of collage with the content.
Applications should be a point of interest in the product (Facebook): I have personally viewed a few and I was extremely disappointed. In fact it is in most cases of simple toys with images, projections of "cadeau" virtual test on alleged similarities of character and things like that.
Arguments, therefore, purely entertaining and, let's face it, no use in practice.

In fact, the impression one gets, shared by others who do my own job (software engineer-mail address) and who wanted to explore the instrument is that of a network built in a disorganized, adding from time to time features to entice more users to its use, and that is not structured according to a draft or formally consistent logic.

The phenomenon is also evident in the very structure of the interface presentation: My first impression of chaos and disorganization, despite my initial optimism has been strengthened even dopo un notevole addestramento nell’uso delle funzionalità anche più complesse.
Anche in questo caso la sensazione è quella che l’accesso alle varie sezioni sia posizionato in maniera del tutto incoerente nell’economia della pagina, anche in virtù del fatto che il numero delle medesime è eccessivo e andrebbe “spalmato” e riorganizzato in maniera più consona, magari in ambienti separati.
Il concetto è esattamente questo: al di là dell'euforia iniziale, a mentre fredda ci si accorge rapidamente che l'applicazione, soprattutto se non si ha molto tempo da dedicarci esclusivamente a fini ludici o giullareschi, value added is essentially nil.

Very simplistically we define it as a sort of "global white pages", accompanied by an extensive game room plastered with advertising.
In fact, the tool who does not want to use it only as a hobby or recreational activity, very quickly realizes that, if not used in a prudent, it can quickly become another source of annoyance and especially spam.

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Berlusconi is my friend! (Including Obama)

Facebook is a powerful tool capable of measuring the popularity of politicians.
be true?
Ci vuole poco per diventare amico di Brunetta o di Berlusconi.
Ma il numero di amici di su Facebook è un dato che non consente di quantificare il reale consenso di cui gode un politico… lo può comprendere, a livello intuitivo, ma in realtà, chiunque usa Facebook colleziona spesso decine o centinaia di amici virtuali di cui non sa assolutamente nulla e con cui non parlerà mai.
Va però ricordato che un conto è diventare amico virtuale di un politico, altra cosa è votarlo realmente, appoggiarne realmente l’operato, seguire con attenzione le (eventuali) proposte politiche che presentano su Facebook, partecipare ai gruppi di discussione (eventuali) hosted on their page, etc. ..

There is no guarantee that the two things go hand in hand.
addition, the statistical value that have 25 or even 35 thousand friends in front of 57 million Italians? Nobody, of course, unless you're talking about polls ... scientifically.
However, it is true that a supporter on Facebook does a lot more noise (media) of an indifferent or silent citizen who does not speak via Facebook.

In concrete terms, so even if you can not say that Facebook is really reliable as a measure of consensus, at the same time we must remember its value as a potential amplifier del consenso apparente.

Diverso è il caso Obama.

Obama è diventato un candidato Facebook. Il suo successo su questo sical network è dato dal fatto che le persone l'hanno sentito "uno di loro", un comune mortale che, pur avendo a sua disposizione infinite risorse, usa un mezzo semplice e gratuito come Facebook per farsi conoscere ed incrementare i suoi consensi.
L'altra idea che sta alla base della scelta di usare Facebook è che la gente si fidi più degli amici che dei giornalisti, degli esperti o di altre autorità distanti che non conosce.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

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Facebook secono me ... I think the pros and cons

  • Since each user's profile can be discovered by his date of birth, you can, accordingly, to wish a happy birthday, also providing a look good!
  • When I buy a new dress (and possibly expensive) I do not even make the effort to wear it to show them. And 'Just take a picture and put it in my photo album. All will be notified of my new photos added!
  • E 'possible to organize a dinner, a birthday party, a drink, in short, any thing, inviting hundreds of people without a penny in neanchespendere phone calls and save a lot of time.


  • My boyfriend, since I registered on Facebook, you know everything about me.
  • Facebook compels her to speak of himself in third person. Therefore, tell us as if we were not us.

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... Communication is communication and listening

If someone asked me if I think that Facebook allows you to communicate, I would say it depends on how you use it.
It 's true, you can exchange messaggi istantanei, mail, chattare, lasciare messaggi sulla bacheca, ...
In questi casi la comunicazione è molto simile a quella personale, con la differenza che può risultare “fredda”, ma ciò può dipendere anche dai rapporti con l’altra persona (dal fatto che sia un amico, o un conoscente, o uno che proprio non ci conosce), dal fatto che non ci si possa “toccare” o vedere per intero, dall’ambiente in cui ci si trova quando si interagisce (in camera, o in ufficio, o in un internet caffè, o con il fidanzato nelle vicinanze...)
Bene, penso che tutto questo sia opinione diffusa, ma non necessariamente valid.
In fact, I think that all communication is, indeed, the internet itself is communication.
Everything you do on the internet and communicate with anything, especially what you do with Facebook: the publication of photos, videos, music, sharing our thoughts, ..., everything communicates something to us. Our taste, our personality, our preferences, our interests, our moods. And there will always be someone who receives these reports: the peer marketing companies.

So if everything is communication, plays a vital role to play (in this case listening is not given only hearing, but also the reading of a text, the interpretation of a dynamic content like a video, a picture, a song, ...).
The type of communication depends on the type of play: a communication will be a non-communication if there will be no one to listen.
A notice will be a superficial communication if the person is distracted or disinterested we listen to our arguments.
A notice will be a true and authentic communication if the person who hears us is willing to stake his inner and his innermost self.
It follows that a static stimulus, which can be, for example, the publication of a photo can become a dynamic element if caught by a sensitive person to listen.

Friday, February 13, 2009

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Facebook! Or not? Companies

The purpose of Facebook is to manage the network of acquaintances in real life: friends, colleagues, relatives.
On the path that led to the birth of the email, chat, forum, Facebook presents his idea of \u200b\u200bevolution: upload a photo and tag does not mean to compete with Flickr, but communicate with friends and friends' friends who was with us the day The dinner hour X Y Z Herein lies the power of communication through news feeds, the news spreads up to people unknown to us related to the people tagged in the photo.
We can say, then, that Facebook is communication! Or not?
pity though, that communication is something more than mere trasmisisone of information (informational paradigm). The communication, in fact, reveals some human dimensions (ethical and interior) and implies that people who interact undergo a mutual enrichment of the communication itself.
Back to Facebook: each user, after creating his profile and its network of contacts (which will begin to interact), will tend to adagiarvisi as reassuring in a protective shell. The instrument is no longer a means of exchanging information, opinions, links, videos, news, etc.. but will become an end, an all-encompassing goal.
It follows that being on Facebook, surrounded by supposed friends in constant contact, it is thin like a caress, which relieves us from our loneliness and our fears.
I have ten new notifications and three new friend requests. Well! This means they are still alive! The 'friendship' is no longer a way to exchange information and culture with others. It 's a way of being in the crowd who know (or think we know), feel the buzz and chatter and feel protected by the absence of silence.
is, Facebook is not communication! And 'the absence of silence. It is not company. It 's just the absence of loneliness.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

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vs Facebook

Nearly 4700 participants in the group "hanging around on the job with Facebook." Many
? Very few: 200 000 anti Gelmini a petition for more than 50 000 for the group "Silvio, you are your hair is on research."
In realtà, a concludere ben poco al lovoro a causa di Facebook sono molti di più: per questo Poste Italiane si è decisa a negare l'accesso al sito di social network per i suoi dipendenti. La stessa cosa ha fatto Regione Lombardia e Veneto, Comune di Napoli (dove l'uso è razionato: un'ora al giorno, suddiviso in frazioni di 10 minuti l'una), Provincia di Milano, mistero della Regione Campania.
Oscurare solo Facebook per evitare distrazioni in ambito lavorativo è sostanzialmente un'operazione fine a se stessa, soprattutto in virtù del fatto che chi "vive di social network" ed ama dedicarvi gran parte del proprio tempo (lavorativo e non), generalmente non è iscritto ad uno solo di essi (ergo andrebbero oscurati tutti).

A Bologna nessuno si sogna ancora di "oscurare" il sito di social network, prediletto dai candidati alle primarie per la scelta del candidato sindaco, ma è pur vero che sia qui che altrove esistono da anni filtri che bloccano sia le chat che i programmi di telefonia via Internet.
Per quanto riguarda le aziende private, in Inghilterra, ad esempio, i due terzi hanno bloccato l'accesso ai diversi siti di social networking, e la stessa tendenza si sta diffondendo sempre più anche in Italia.

Questi dati make you think: after all, social networks are the media.
arises, then, a question: Perhaps the companies are not ready to exploit this powerful new means of communication? Or, perhaps, is this new and powerful means of communication is not mature enough to convey the business community?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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you be my friend?

many friends you have on Facebook?
I've got 266. Got it? two hundred sixty-six!
On second thought, however, are not really all friends ...
Some are acquaintances ... Others know them only by sight, maybe we frequent the same premises, but we have never spoken to. Others just do not know them, but as friends of friends (or friends of friends ... or just acquaintances, but people who have seen somewhere some of my friends ... or ...), knowing how to refuse their friendship ? Others just do not know me, but noticing my "sweet little face" (...), they try ... But enough! This kind of friendship the rejection!
It appears that Facebook is not a tool to make new friends (or knowledge), but a platform to grow them.
Facebook has a special space in which they are listed, with photos, profiles of "people you may know." When you see a familiar face, one wonders: "I ask him to be my friend? It 's the case? But if I greet him with difficulty when I see him on the street, why should I call a friend here?"
The choice depends on what you want to do this social network: when used in a playful way, tighten all the friends you want (personally, among my friends appearing names like dogs and pigs, Santa Potato , Uncle Billy ...), but if you use it as a tool for maintaining contact professionel, remember that anyone can at any time view your list of friends and their business cards (part of the profile created for those who are not your friend, but want to know some information about you)

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Did you know ...?

The value of Facebook is rated by Microsoft U.S. $ 15,000,000,000.
And probably this is not a secret ...

What many people do not know are the conditions of the contract that virtually you accept by clicking in the box "I accept" Facebook users agree to the exclusive and perpetual property of all information and images that publish , then all that appears in their webpage.

so many people turned their portraits in advertising, transforming the private in public use.
Suddenly all the information that members have published, (including their personal portraits, their political inclination, the status of their relationships, the special interests and even their home address) will be shipped without their express authorization to the multitude of users.
And the question does not end there!
Even when users cancel the membership, their information remains on the site, and Facebook is acting in his discretion whether to remove the user profile or not. All this also in case of death.
Facebook users are so vulnerable in a scenario that is definitoo as the most significant case of espionage in the history of mankind.

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But Facebook is so innovative?

Paul Olden, a pioneer web ...
What allows Facebook, "It is different from what we did at the dawn of the network: each of us had his own personal small page, written in html from ourselves ('na hard work!) And upload here or there, on a server free of charge or, at the cost of drug meninges unspeakable.
Each page staff would put a nice list of recommended links, which refers to the short pages of our friends, thus creating 'subnets links to links.
Notifications of new updates we sent it via email, or using rudimentary software for personal mailing lists. The time was long, but the result was the same as facebook: we kept track of each activity, and improving day by day our network of contacts and collaborations, and our list of links to friends.
Facebook in practice makes it extremely fast and streamlines this process, which is a procedure that is part of the very nature of the network.
with two differences:
1) What you did in freedom where they would by relying on Facebook is made within a system that has a boss and a top-down control.
2) Facebook does everything to make you believe that everything works better if you put your true personal and totally give up your privacy. "

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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Facebook: good intentions? Facebook vs. Blog

All data, information, tests and surveys .. that we attend to them?
Simple: they are used as a base to discover people with similar interests. Only??
This valuable personal data (which listen to music, videos that you can see, the books you see, things that you like ...) that have a commercial value. People who see our habits, tastes, preferences, the type of people who attend.
our affairs, but have value because they serve to develop products tailored upon us, made to measure, to which we struggle to say no.
"Products that have stolen the soul and try to re n as lost property inside them, confident that we can not do without to pay for recovery ".
Let's take a bit 'of numbers:
The site, founded by Mr. Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 with an investment of half a million dollars from the pockets of the co-founder of Paypal Mr. Peter Thiel has been received injection of capital for $ 12.8 m (million dollars) next year from Accel Partners and then again for $ 25m by Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners.
Why all the availability of venture capital also though formally the site was not selling anything?
Facebook is a projective virtual reality in which managers come to know the facts, knowledge, opinions, attitudes and motivations of the online community (the social networks).
These market data are obtained for free, and everyone enjoyed themselves and are even interested in responding to questionnaires seemingly innocuous, but capable of revealing information market worth billions of euros.
Facebook è anche un potenziale laboratorio di psicologia proiettiva con milioni di pazienti-cavie spesso non coscienti del fatto che potrebbero essere costantemente sotto esame, tenuti attivi tramite giochi o applicazioni con le quali si possono profilare gli utenti secondo i comportamenti.
La tipologia di siti internet di tipo “social network”, di cui Facebook non solo ne è parte, ma ne costituisce l'esempio per eccellenza, oltre a fornire una mappatura delle relazioni tra gli utenti permette di catalogare il comportamento delle persone generando enormi potenzialità di marketing.

Monday, February 9, 2009

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I Blog, prima dei social network, erano considerati la forma di comunicazione più innovativa ed efficace della rete.
Con l'affermarsi dei social network, ovvero siti che offrono servizi di aggregazione rivoluzionari, perchè permettono contatti in tempo reale con un' intera community, i Blog sono stati visti come una forma di comunicazione obsoleta, poco dinamica e quasi a senso unico.
La gente ha iniziato a dire: "Per quale motivo dovrei commentare un post quando ho la possibilità to participate in a community of peers (people of) where all are equal and have the same informative power? "
In fact, the limit of social networking sites like Facebook, lies in the mode of information (and at the same time, this method is also its strong point).
If a blog to articulate complex concepts in a simple container, social networks, Facebook and therefore, carry very simple concepts (and too often superficial ) into a relatively complex.

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In short: What is Facebook? Some data on its use

Facebook, in essence, is a social network that allows you to stay in contact with a group of people ("friends");

E 'can exchange messages (through bakeka), see what others are doing at any given time, see link or content that friends from time to time offer, join groups that reflect their interests, invite and receive invitations to events, chat, ...

Therefore, the usefulness of Facebook is very dependent on the type of people we choose to follow, and the use they make themselves.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

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  • Three out of ten Italians socialize on Facebook (30.7% of the Italian population)
  • is particularly the young between 25 and 34 years (53.7%) and those between 18 and 24 years (52.7%)
  • 47.9% believed that the use of this social networking, privacy is a risk (they are mostly over 65)
  • Among the members of this social network does not prevail, however, the 45-64 years age classes (44.6%)
  • They never heard of Facebook in particular the over-65s (65%).
  • The most significant number of members of Facebook is among those who reside in the central regions of the Peninsula (39.3%), in contrast, stand out among non-enrolled residents of the Northeast (49.5%).
  • are not informed existence and characteristics of Facebook, mostly Italians Islands (48.7%).

(Source: 2009 Report Italy - Eurispes, which drew an identikit of the people of facebook)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

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Facebook: origins

Facebook was founded in 2004 at the University of Harvard, when a student just nineteen, Mark Zuckerberg (pictured), in a break from studying it says "What a pity, we'll get lost all over the University of view", and gets actively at work.
Inspired by the "Facebook", school yearbooks and manufactures its Uniersità easy as point and a community based on an idea: each student should have his page where you enter a picture, a simple forum for the exchange of messages and a space to bring their passions.
Within two years the project expanded to other U.S. universities, up to whoever was in possession of an e-mail address; 11, 2006 settempre Facebook becomes the social nertwork most populous of the web, and even more than MySpace, which until now was the preferred platform for all those who wanted to share something.
Today Facebook is open to anyone over 13 years.

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...chi non muore....

... defers to embroider! and what better reason for a baby on the way?? a neighbor waits for a child as an accomplice and a Sunday of boredom I made these bibs to give her 5 ... I find them sweet sweet ... :-) I also made another little thing, but I can not publish it yet ... also because I forgot to photograph me smart ... ihihhh
I know I'm missing here is that on your blog .... but I some taken from various commitments ... but as you can see ... ... when I come back!! :-)
ciricciao people

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

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Mi presento: mi chiamo Michela Vicenzi e sono una studentessa iscritta al secondo anno del corso universitario di Scienze e Tecniche della Comunicazione Grafica e Multimediale.
Ammetto che senza il "suggerimento" del mio Professore di Pedagogia, non avrei mai creato un blog spontaneamente.
Ok, confesso: questo blog è parte del materiale per un esame e contribuirà alla valutazione della disciplina "Pedagogia della comunicazione".
Ma, dal momento che mi è stata "suggerita" l'idea della creazione di un blog, why not use the opportunity and deal with a subject they are interested to exchange ideas and opinions?!
Well, Facebook is the subject matter in its various aspects: What is Facebook? How does it work? It 'like a blog? Facebook is communication? If Facebook is communication, what kind of communication? And the privacy?
I hope that my interest in this matter is shared by many people and many who contribute opinions, information and comment.