We're almost there, Christmas is near!
you have in mind what to give, and especially what you give?
Whether an object or a thought does not matter, I hope this will be the year of the personalized gift, and perhaps hand-made (handmade) and environmentally friendly.
Waste not, so natural and recycled materials!
As some of you already know, I love to create jewelry and accessories using vintage materials, or recycling.
In my blog I advertised giveaways to friends and other blogs I have advertised with the final prize my own creation.
This year, at Christmas, I decided to put up for grabs here
not one, but three giveaways for free!
Here they are:
brooch wool red bordeaux (9 cm diameter), fancy fabric sewn to the center button vintage e tulle applicati.
Perfetta su abiti e borse.
Orecchini con pietre vintage colore rosso/arancio, ovali pendenti e gancetti
in silver plated anallergici. Lunghezza, compresi ganci, 8 cm.
Anello con bottone vintage rosso bordeaux e stoffa in crêpe a pois
in rilievo, colore rosa.
Ovviamente ci saranno tre vincitori ed ognuno riceverà uno dei giveaways per ordine di originalità di commento.
Come aggiudicarseli?
Semplicissimo! Di seguito le istruzioni.
Condizioni necessarie:
- scrivete nel commento a questo post qual è il best gift you would like to receive this year. A bit like a Christmas letter.
may also be something non-material, sbizzarritevi and show me all your fantasy! Remember to leave your email address written.
- follow me making my readers, fixed and embedded into your blog roll.
- While boys are welcome, maybe the giveaway could be a nice gift for a girlfriend / friend / sister!
- can participate in those without a blog.
increase the probability of winning if:
- Link or discuss this post on Facebook, twitter or myspace.
- I then add on bloglovin '.
- Will you add or advertise a link to my online shop lamusette.bigcartel.com on your blog or personal site.
spread the word!
You have until Wednesday, December 15 at 22.
then contact the winners personally to arrange shipment.
Good luck!
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