For all the pictures and the written thoughts Nicest I got from you During my last days there and before, I'll need a wall, to hang them all and have them in my eyes every morning. I still don't have that wall, since, as you know, I'm not sure where I'll be next.
But, more important, I'd need a wall to spread on it all the images of your faces I saved in my mind in all this time, either smiling, laughing or seriously engaged in some conversations or activities. I would also sketch on it the intense moments and experiences I had with each of you, to show everybody else. Again, the wall is not there yet, maybe is waiting somewhere, probably has still to be built.
So I'll have to keep all this inside, for the moment. I know I'll have a hard time trying to express the life I had in Pittsburgh beyond the mere events. As we agreed many times, Pittsburgh grows on you. I want to think it's because of the steelworkers past, so full of real life, which melted into the dynamic cultural activity around Universities, now mixing together many different people.
I'm sure that new exciting things are coming for everybody, but I'll miss this city and YINZ all.
In any case we'll meet again soon, this is certainly just the beginning: as we say, this is not an "addio", but only an "arrivedereci".
I'm not sure somebody said this before, but definitely "Ich bin ein Pittsburgher!".
A hug,
PS I turned a little bit sentimental during the last days there, so I hope you can forgive me if I went too far.
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