Small Things that only in Italy
Mamma mia che goduria...valeva la pena sì, tornare! In circa 12 ore ho visto ben due volte il mio amico FB, per alcuni amici Francesco, per altri Beltra. Quello del blog Geometriaetica. Forse non era mai successo, a Firenze, giusto quella volta che siamo andati in vacanza - e che vacanza - insieme. Comunque, mi ha fatto venir voglia di scrivere quissopra!
Una cosa che pensavo già da un po' di giorni. Tanti mi chiedono cosa mi sia mancato di più del'Italia...e qualcuno ha pure la risposta bell'e pronta, tipo, il cibo! Invece no, per esempio il cibo in generale non mitico Maccaroni Pennsylvania, meta del fine settimana per tutti gli Europei di Pittsburgh, si trova tutta roba importata, e a buon prezzo. Per cui, se ti cucini da te, nessun problema. Semmai il ristorante italiano è un altro discorso...
Comunque, distrattamente mi sono accorto di alcune cose che veramente mi mancano dell'Italia, e che mi sa neppure in altri Paesi del Mediterraneo ce l'hanno. Visto che sto per emigrare di nuovo, potrebbe essere an unhealthy nostalgia operation. But if you have suggestions, you casual readers that you came across this old blog now shabby, please leave track!
The first things I noticed are:
- bread - the bread that is here (and not Tuscan, as I discpiaccia, but any bread, from the normal to the homemade baked in a wood )
- The smell of food - stewed, roasted potatoes - that spreads to the stairwell out of the house ... that every time the game is to guess where it came from ... and to control the gastric juices
- Newspapers: my beloved Manifesto, but also International
I'll update too ...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wella Koleston Brown Color Formulas For Gray Hair
In a Funk
For those who have not read, here's the link to the New York Times (12/13/2007) on "clinical picture" of Italy ... a photograph rather than realistic, and almost complete!
For Those of You Who Did not read it yet, below you'll find the link to the NYT article (13/12/2007) about the sickness of Italy ... I found it realistic, and quite complete!
For those who have not read, here's the link to the New York Times (12/13/2007) on "clinical picture" of Italy ... a photograph rather than realistic, and almost complete!
For Those of You Who Did not read it yet, below you'll find the link to the NYT article (13/12/2007) about the sickness of Italy ... I found it realistic, and quite complete!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
2010 Lucasville Ohio Flea Market
The wall - open letter to Pittsburgh friends
Dear friends / family Pittsburgh,
For all the pictures and the written thoughts Nicest I got from you During my last days there and before, I'll need a wall, to hang them all and have them in my eyes every morning. I still don't have that wall, since, as you know, I'm not sure where I'll be next.
But, more important, I'd need a wall to spread on it all the images of your faces I saved in my mind in all this time, either smiling, laughing or seriously engaged in some conversations or activities. I would also sketch on it the intense moments and experiences I had with each of you, to show everybody else. Again, the wall is not there yet, maybe is waiting somewhere, probably has still to be built.
So I'll have to keep all this inside, for the moment. I know I'll have a hard time trying to express the life I had in Pittsburgh beyond the mere events. As we agreed many times, Pittsburgh grows on you. I want to think it's because of the steelworkers past, so full of real life, which melted into the dynamic cultural activity around Universities, now mixing together many different people.
I'm sure that new exciting things are coming for everybody, but I'll miss this city and YINZ all.
In any case we'll meet again soon, this is certainly just the beginning: as we say, this is not an "addio", but only an "arrivedereci".
I'm not sure somebody said this before, but definitely "Ich bin ein Pittsburgher!".
A hug,
PS I turned a little bit sentimental during the last days there, so I hope you can forgive me if I went too far.
For all the pictures and the written thoughts Nicest I got from you During my last days there and before, I'll need a wall, to hang them all and have them in my eyes every morning. I still don't have that wall, since, as you know, I'm not sure where I'll be next.
But, more important, I'd need a wall to spread on it all the images of your faces I saved in my mind in all this time, either smiling, laughing or seriously engaged in some conversations or activities. I would also sketch on it the intense moments and experiences I had with each of you, to show everybody else. Again, the wall is not there yet, maybe is waiting somewhere, probably has still to be built.
So I'll have to keep all this inside, for the moment. I know I'll have a hard time trying to express the life I had in Pittsburgh beyond the mere events. As we agreed many times, Pittsburgh grows on you. I want to think it's because of the steelworkers past, so full of real life, which melted into the dynamic cultural activity around Universities, now mixing together many different people.
I'm sure that new exciting things are coming for everybody, but I'll miss this city and YINZ all.
In any case we'll meet again soon, this is certainly just the beginning: as we say, this is not an "addio", but only an "arrivedereci".
I'm not sure somebody said this before, but definitely "Ich bin ein Pittsburgher!".
A hug,
PS I turned a little bit sentimental during the last days there, so I hope you can forgive me if I went too far.
Piper Seminole Systems
Brussels - Lisbon - Pittsburgh - Washington Statesmen
Il team della mia amica portoghese/belga Ines, phD student qui a Carnegie Mellon (Università rivale con la mia:)), ha vinto una prestigiosa gara nazionale tra Università con una lettera su temi energetici a cui tutti i candidati per la Presidenza US dovranno rispondere. Sono finiti su USA today e non so che altro quotidiano. Qui il link alla pagina dell'Università (con foto), e qui , per chi fosse interessato, la lettera.
Serve il cervello, serve la fede (con la f minuscola!!!), serve che molte cose nella vita vadano per un certo verso, anche se magari non si è poi comunque del tutto soddisfatti. E serve coraggio, cosa che pure non le manca.
Well, just a good example of something that touches us by close enough, sometimes. In the words of the great Miles Gabbanelli, conductive Report, "... and now some good news!
Il team della mia amica portoghese/belga Ines, phD student qui a Carnegie Mellon (Università rivale con la mia:)), ha vinto una prestigiosa gara nazionale tra Università con una lettera su temi energetici a cui tutti i candidati per la Presidenza US dovranno rispondere. Sono finiti su USA today e non so che altro quotidiano. Qui il link alla pagina dell'Università (con foto), e qui , per chi fosse interessato, la lettera.
Serve il cervello, serve la fede (con la f minuscola!!!), serve che molte cose nella vita vadano per un certo verso, anche se magari non si è poi comunque del tutto soddisfatti. E serve coraggio, cosa che pure non le manca.
Well, just a good example of something that touches us by close enough, sometimes. In the words of the great Miles Gabbanelli, conductive Report, "... and now some good news!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Razer Carcharias Or Pc350
Source: Republic, 15/11/2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Barcelona Malgrat els es Esplendido italians
... signed Vinicio Capossela.
subscribe, and watch the video (Italian with subtitles in Catalan).
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Mia Friend Nadine Jansen
Teacher of life
"Good evening, sorry if I am a bit 'touched and, maybe, you see ...

Another father who disappears in this case, a father of the written word - as it was for me Manuel Vazquez Montalban - but also spoken. I think I received guidance from his words, and what could be seen to be the nature of man, with his firmness, his serenity ', his history of partisan.
My memory of Enzo Biagi is not 'tied Bulgarian edict, in which Berlusconi chased' by
on television - and Biagi you could certainly qualify as a fierce ideological opponent , which was even more 'fear. The memory and 'that of a journalist, a teacher, her first encounter with the book read, a series of in interview entitled "About her" (I have a different edition from that of the photo).

Certainly the recent events can not but remain in the memory of our generation, in the words of Biagi: "From Rai after 41 years of service they sent me a notice with return receipt. Well, I would do everything I've done. I am always been on the side of those who do not win. "
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Silver Strike Bowling Live Cheats
"I do not think the injury of blood, the fact that we have a debt to the family: the feelings you have to earn. And anyway, I think every child should do what is necessary: \u200b\u200bincluding the skin change compared to parents. In order to feel that life belongs to us ".
Sean Penn, commenting on "Into the Wild", his latest film.
"I do not think the injury of blood, the fact that we have a debt to the family: the feelings you have to earn. And anyway, I think every child should do what is necessary: \u200b\u200bincluding the skin change compared to parents. In order to feel that life belongs to us ".
Sean Penn, commenting on "Into the Wild", his latest film.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
X Blades Sorozatszám
Take a look to the corti (short videos) from the last edition of the Videominuto contest (Prato, Sept 06). I couldn't find the ones from the 2007 edition, yet. The first 5 from the top, at least, are wonderful...I'll keep checking the others.
Just click here: Videominuto
Here the winner, "Fuga" ("Escape"), by Guido Giacomo Baroncelli.
Take a look to the corti (short videos) from the last edition of the Videominuto contest (Prato, Sept 06). I couldn't find the ones from the 2007 edition, yet. The first 5 from the top, at least, are wonderful...I'll keep checking the others.
Just click here: Videominuto
Here the winner, "Fuga" ("Escape"), by Guido Giacomo Baroncelli.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Audrina Patridge Blonde Highlights
In Pittsburgh again
Well, I'm here again. Da ormai venti giorni, per un breve periodo ancora. Ho cambiato di nuovo casa, e ora subaffitto da Julien, un amico di Nantes che gia' conoscevo dallo scorso anno. La casa e' un appartamento in un lotto di edifici all equal, a time of workers in the steel sector. It was the area where the Russians had settled migrants, called Russian Hill.
Much of the family last year has gone back to Europe: Sandra, Anna, Josep (Catalunya), Ravinder (UK) to Vincent (France) left Pittsburgh. Others remained (Martin, Pierre, Ana, Felix), other friends are now settled, for good or ill fortune, among them Piero and Jitka, Maryrose and Laird. A small core, with the addition of new people, meet unexpected and pleasant now. Now I feel a bit 'short-lived, with one foot here and one in old Europe, but the little time that remains attached to the rest of the life of the Burgh, perhaps more than first, as some have long roots that binds me to this place is checked.
short, just a quick update for those who, like his friends or Beltra Alessio, have not resigned to the death of the blog. But it is only a fleeting passage, at least for now. I was curious to try, especially if you still remember your password, and if after all this time the site would let me enter. I did get some 'hands. The truth is that every time I think about it ... I could post it on this blog. Pero 'things to do now is build up, and I can not find enough energy. So I think for now will remain a small slit in the curtain dropped, without tearing of Hitchcock memory. Regards.
Well, I'm here again. Da ormai venti giorni, per un breve periodo ancora. Ho cambiato di nuovo casa, e ora subaffitto da Julien, un amico di Nantes che gia' conoscevo dallo scorso anno. La casa e' un appartamento in un lotto di edifici all equal, a time of workers in the steel sector. It was the area where the Russians had settled migrants, called Russian Hill.
Much of the family last year has gone back to Europe: Sandra, Anna, Josep (Catalunya), Ravinder (UK) to Vincent (France) left Pittsburgh. Others remained (Martin, Pierre, Ana, Felix), other friends are now settled, for good or ill fortune, among them Piero and Jitka, Maryrose and Laird. A small core, with the addition of new people, meet unexpected and pleasant now. Now I feel a bit 'short-lived, with one foot here and one in old Europe, but the little time that remains attached to the rest of the life of the Burgh, perhaps more than first, as some have long roots that binds me to this place is checked.
short, just a quick update for those who, like his friends or Beltra Alessio, have not resigned to the death of the blog. But it is only a fleeting passage, at least for now. I was curious to try, especially if you still remember your password, and if after all this time the site would let me enter. I did get some 'hands. The truth is that every time I think about it ... I could post it on this blog. Pero 'things to do now is build up, and I can not find enough energy. So I think for now will remain a small slit in the curtain dropped, without tearing of Hitchcock memory. Regards.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
What Does A Dogs Mucus Plug Look Like
Epilogue: Gaza, june 2007
There are things you can not keep silent and continue the meditation. At the end of the Republic also takes stock on the last forty years of Palestinian history ... you could see from afar, is now probably too late. It 's very painful. The following article by Viola (also linked) and obviously do not agree with the third and pen'ultima line (on the other hand the Republic is a newspaper of government, and we arrived and we still follow this line ). ---
Mahmud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian right: what is happening in Gaza is "crazy." A civil war, which instead of involving, as usual in civil wars, social classes, economic interests in conflict, pushed over the precipice of the same mass of beggars crazy. The one and the other, those of Fatah and those of Hamas, without work for years, kept alive by the UN food aid, with mountains of garbage and threats of epidemics on the doorstep, a great deal without water light.
A mass of desperate people who vie for power in a landscape of tremendous misery. In quell'anus mundi which is now the Gaza Strip. I had said days ago, and it is worth repeating. The Palestinians appear to be incorrigible. Invece di proporsi verso Israele e la comunità internazionale come interlocutori credibili in un negoziato di pace, essi forniscono pretesti e ragioni a quella parte della società israeliana che non vuole trattative, compromessi, accordi, sostenendo appunto che sul versante palestinese "non c'è nessuno con cui negoziare". E quindi sono loro, i dirigenti e i seguaci di Fatah e di Hamas, i responsabili dei combattimenti di strada in corso da giorni, delle vittime, del caos che stanno sconvolgendo Gaza.
Loro i responsabili di quella che sembra ormai la vera e più drammatica conseguenza dello scontro: il disfacimento dell'Autorità palestinese. Il vuoto politico, l'anarchia forse senza scampo in cui versano ormai i territori Palestine occupied by Israel four decades ago.
all the fault of radical Islam in Palestine led by Hamas, and then triggered the divisions in Palestinian society (once the most secular part of the Arab world) dall'irrompere of religious fanaticism? No, only in part. There are other sins, other responsibilities that led to the formation of social and political context in which today we see a flare beginning of civil war. This is the point to highlight: the context, the context in which they arrived at the point of explosion rivalries, internecine anger, "madness" of the Palestinians.
Reconstructing Step by Step, episode by episode, il formarsi del contesto da cui sono scaturiti i combattimenti di Gaza, sarebbe lungo.
Bisognerà quindi limitarsi ad elencare le tappe, i fatti principali. Intanto l'occupazione. Che cosa hanno prodotto nelle menti, nell'animo dei palestinesi, quattro decenni di occupazione militare israeliana? Quarant'anni di terre espropriate, di acque deviate verso le piscine delle colonie ebraiche, di ulivi dei contadini palestinesi tagliati alla base durante i raid dei coloni più estremisti, di rappresaglie devastanti, di code interminabili ai posti di blocco dell'esercito.
È mai stata fatta giustizia, da parte israeliana, dei soprusi dei coloni, delle inutili violenze dell'esercito ai posti di blocco, delle partorienti che rischiavano to give birth in the street and under the blazing sun, and more than three hours of a student will need to overcome the network of checkpoints and reach his school or university a few miles from home? You never sought justice from the international community for "targeted killings" that the army and air force of Israel do for years, and its true death sentences without the shadow of an investigation or a trial? Yes, the Palestinian is a folly and an episode of yesterday - two women, one pregnant, who were trying to cross into Israel loaded with explosives to blow himself up in a crowded place - is a significant detail in the fall of reason Palestinian world. But look
the "context" to see if it has come some of the causes of this madness, some of the causes of its outbreak, is a duty. It is necessary to ask what other people have endured without losing the reason the Palestinians have lived for forty years. It's true: they, with their suicide bombers, to impress one of the turning to the most tragic and brutal conflict that opposes them to Israel. But even here the "context" suggests something that should be borne in mind.
The suicide bombers of Hamas appeared in 2001, thirty years after the start of employment. There were no suicide bombers before. As for Hamas, those who know the events in occupied Palestine knows how much the Israelis have had in the settlement degli islamisti a Gaza e in Cisgiordania. Come nella seconda metà degli Ottanta fossero visti, da Ariel Sharon in particolare, quali utili contendenti dell'Olp di Arafat. Come ne vennero favorite la crescita e le attività, così da produrre due risultati: uno certo, l'indebolimento dell'Olp, e un altro auspicabile, lo scontro interno tra le due fazioni. Non c'è dubbio: oggi hanno ragione gli israeliani che sostengono l'assenza di interlocutori affidabili sul versante palestinese. Con chi si dovrebbe negoziare: con le bande armate di Hamas, con quelle della Jihad islamica, con i resti delle forze fedeli a Mahmud Abbas? No, con questi, a questo punto, non è possibile trattare.
Ma il "contesto" ci serve anche to see how they were burned by Israel who perhaps could be the reliable partners. Arafat earlier, discredited, ridiculed by the siege placed by Sharon, for a year and a half, at his headquarters in Ramallah, and Hamas to convince the Palestinians that the only way out were the attacks by the occupation and intransigence towards "Zionist entity." And Mahmoud Abbas, who was also burned by Sharon at the time of the withdrawal from Gaza. Unilateral withdrawal, without that Abbas had no role there, and that there was even a symbolic delivery of the Strip to the Palestinian Authority. Perhaps the most important act for the victory of Hamas in Palestinian elections in March 2006.
And finally sarà bene non dimenticare la sospensione degli aiuti e dei finanziamenti all'Autorità palestinese, decretati dagli Stati Uniti e dall'Unione europea dopo la formazione del primo governo Hamas, e in larga parte ancora mantenuta nei confronti del governo di unità nazionale Hamas-Fatah. Certo, sembrò giusto tagliare i fondi ad un'organizzazione come Hamas, che non ha mai rinunciato al terrorismo e non intende riconoscere Israele. Ma oggi bisogna forse parlare d'un errore. La povertà a Gaza è aumentata, la disperazione ha spento gli ultimi barlumi di ragione, e questo ha certamente avuto un peso nell'innesco dello scontro intestino.
Ecco, il "contesto" non va dimenticato. Quando si critica la politica dei governi israeliani, we must always keep in mind that Israel is the only state where any part of the world still debates about its legitimacy, its borders, and indeed the one and other contests. This leads one to justify, from time to time, even the most serious errors of Israeli politics. But then, how to bypass those errors which were also to produce "madness" Palestinian?
( June 14, 2007 )
There are things you can not keep silent and continue the meditation. At the end of the Republic also takes stock on the last forty years of Palestinian history ... you could see from afar, is now probably too late. It 's very painful. The following article by Viola (also linked) and obviously do not agree with the third and pen'ultima line (on the other hand the Republic is a newspaper of government, and we arrived and we still follow this line ). ---
Mahmud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian right: what is happening in Gaza is "crazy." A civil war, which instead of involving, as usual in civil wars, social classes, economic interests in conflict, pushed over the precipice of the same mass of beggars crazy. The one and the other, those of Fatah and those of Hamas, without work for years, kept alive by the UN food aid, with mountains of garbage and threats of epidemics on the doorstep, a great deal without water light.
A mass of desperate people who vie for power in a landscape of tremendous misery. In quell'anus mundi which is now the Gaza Strip. I had said days ago, and it is worth repeating. The Palestinians appear to be incorrigible. Invece di proporsi verso Israele e la comunità internazionale come interlocutori credibili in un negoziato di pace, essi forniscono pretesti e ragioni a quella parte della società israeliana che non vuole trattative, compromessi, accordi, sostenendo appunto che sul versante palestinese "non c'è nessuno con cui negoziare". E quindi sono loro, i dirigenti e i seguaci di Fatah e di Hamas, i responsabili dei combattimenti di strada in corso da giorni, delle vittime, del caos che stanno sconvolgendo Gaza.
Loro i responsabili di quella che sembra ormai la vera e più drammatica conseguenza dello scontro: il disfacimento dell'Autorità palestinese. Il vuoto politico, l'anarchia forse senza scampo in cui versano ormai i territori Palestine occupied by Israel four decades ago.
all the fault of radical Islam in Palestine led by Hamas, and then triggered the divisions in Palestinian society (once the most secular part of the Arab world) dall'irrompere of religious fanaticism? No, only in part. There are other sins, other responsibilities that led to the formation of social and political context in which today we see a flare beginning of civil war. This is the point to highlight: the context, the context in which they arrived at the point of explosion rivalries, internecine anger, "madness" of the Palestinians.
Reconstructing Step by Step, episode by episode, il formarsi del contesto da cui sono scaturiti i combattimenti di Gaza, sarebbe lungo.
Bisognerà quindi limitarsi ad elencare le tappe, i fatti principali. Intanto l'occupazione. Che cosa hanno prodotto nelle menti, nell'animo dei palestinesi, quattro decenni di occupazione militare israeliana? Quarant'anni di terre espropriate, di acque deviate verso le piscine delle colonie ebraiche, di ulivi dei contadini palestinesi tagliati alla base durante i raid dei coloni più estremisti, di rappresaglie devastanti, di code interminabili ai posti di blocco dell'esercito.
È mai stata fatta giustizia, da parte israeliana, dei soprusi dei coloni, delle inutili violenze dell'esercito ai posti di blocco, delle partorienti che rischiavano to give birth in the street and under the blazing sun, and more than three hours of a student will need to overcome the network of checkpoints and reach his school or university a few miles from home? You never sought justice from the international community for "targeted killings" that the army and air force of Israel do for years, and its true death sentences without the shadow of an investigation or a trial? Yes, the Palestinian is a folly and an episode of yesterday - two women, one pregnant, who were trying to cross into Israel loaded with explosives to blow himself up in a crowded place - is a significant detail in the fall of reason Palestinian world. But look
the "context" to see if it has come some of the causes of this madness, some of the causes of its outbreak, is a duty. It is necessary to ask what other people have endured without losing the reason the Palestinians have lived for forty years. It's true: they, with their suicide bombers, to impress one of the turning to the most tragic and brutal conflict that opposes them to Israel. But even here the "context" suggests something that should be borne in mind.
The suicide bombers of Hamas appeared in 2001, thirty years after the start of employment. There were no suicide bombers before. As for Hamas, those who know the events in occupied Palestine knows how much the Israelis have had in the settlement degli islamisti a Gaza e in Cisgiordania. Come nella seconda metà degli Ottanta fossero visti, da Ariel Sharon in particolare, quali utili contendenti dell'Olp di Arafat. Come ne vennero favorite la crescita e le attività, così da produrre due risultati: uno certo, l'indebolimento dell'Olp, e un altro auspicabile, lo scontro interno tra le due fazioni. Non c'è dubbio: oggi hanno ragione gli israeliani che sostengono l'assenza di interlocutori affidabili sul versante palestinese. Con chi si dovrebbe negoziare: con le bande armate di Hamas, con quelle della Jihad islamica, con i resti delle forze fedeli a Mahmud Abbas? No, con questi, a questo punto, non è possibile trattare.
Ma il "contesto" ci serve anche to see how they were burned by Israel who perhaps could be the reliable partners. Arafat earlier, discredited, ridiculed by the siege placed by Sharon, for a year and a half, at his headquarters in Ramallah, and Hamas to convince the Palestinians that the only way out were the attacks by the occupation and intransigence towards "Zionist entity." And Mahmoud Abbas, who was also burned by Sharon at the time of the withdrawal from Gaza. Unilateral withdrawal, without that Abbas had no role there, and that there was even a symbolic delivery of the Strip to the Palestinian Authority. Perhaps the most important act for the victory of Hamas in Palestinian elections in March 2006.
And finally sarà bene non dimenticare la sospensione degli aiuti e dei finanziamenti all'Autorità palestinese, decretati dagli Stati Uniti e dall'Unione europea dopo la formazione del primo governo Hamas, e in larga parte ancora mantenuta nei confronti del governo di unità nazionale Hamas-Fatah. Certo, sembrò giusto tagliare i fondi ad un'organizzazione come Hamas, che non ha mai rinunciato al terrorismo e non intende riconoscere Israele. Ma oggi bisogna forse parlare d'un errore. La povertà a Gaza è aumentata, la disperazione ha spento gli ultimi barlumi di ragione, e questo ha certamente avuto un peso nell'innesco dello scontro intestino.
Ecco, il "contesto" non va dimenticato. Quando si critica la politica dei governi israeliani, we must always keep in mind that Israel is the only state where any part of the world still debates about its legitimacy, its borders, and indeed the one and other contests. This leads one to justify, from time to time, even the most serious errors of Israeli politics. But then, how to bypass those errors which were also to produce "madness" Palestinian?
( June 14, 2007 )
Friday, May 11, 2007
C. Keer Clotihng Contact Info
Pause for thought
... friends (or not), these pages have not yet taken a year, but a year ago, 'began, however, a mental journey. I need a little 'breathing, and to detoxify the blog. So, can 'be that we feel tomorrow or even in a few weeks.
meantime, will continue 'to read the contents of the blog - which for the truth' last face often - and for those who do not ... keep in touch!
... friends (or not), these pages have not yet taken a year, but a year ago, 'began, however, a mental journey. I need a little 'breathing, and to detoxify the blog. So, can 'be that we feel tomorrow or even in a few weeks.
meantime, will continue 'to read the contents of the blog - which for the truth' last face often - and for those who do not ... keep in touch!
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